Augmented Renewables and Batteries

Augmented Renewables and Batteries

As renewable market share grows throughout North America, market participants are faced with new challenges amidst rapidly changing market dynamics.

Widening basis and volumetric shortfall pose significant challenges to today’s renewable asset managers, and will continue to hinder returns in the future.

Annual revenues are earned and lost in just a handful of days each year. 

Our technology-driven approach to addressing evolving grid dynamics has bolstered our position as a top trading firm in North American Electricity Markets. 

We believe rapid, automated, and AI-enabled active asset management is instrumental in dealing with the increasing intermittency of the grid of tomorrow. 

CWP Energy Solutions is challenging traditional asset management methods with its proprietary AI- enabled platform, ARB. The Augmented Renewables and Batteries Platform (ARB) powers CWP Energy Solutions’ Active Asset Management Service. ARB is designed to bring together CWP’s market expertise, proven artificial intelligence and proprietary data to optimize portfolio value. 

ARB continuously identifies opportunities presented by intermittency and dynamic grid conditions, ingesting data and interfacing with markets in real-time. 

Always connected and fed with a litany of power, asset and weather data, ARB works around-the-clock to optimize revenue streams and generate portfolio value within predefined risk parameters. 

As the grid of tomorrow becomes increasingly volatile, yesterday’s solutions will become obsolete. 

ARB is aimed at serving the grid of the future. 

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